Thursday, April 19, 2012

Important Information


Welcome to my blog about growing vegetables in containers in Dubai, the UAE and/or the Arabian Gulf region.
I was googling for some information about vegetable gardening in this area and came across a 151 page PDF document  that came out in 2007 called " Growing Vegetables & Useful UAE Climate Information" compiled by Saqer bin Zayed S. Al Nehayyan. 
It is not about growing vegetables in containers but  it is about vegetable gardening here in the UAE so there is going to be a whole lot of helpful information.   It is very comprehensive, there is a planting calendar, all types of conversion charts & tables, temperture chart, Vegetables from A-Z and how to grow them, a section on herbs, a section on Hydroponic production ... as I said 151 pages of useful information.  I have not read the whole document, as I just found it, but I am going to download it and look at it when I have the time.  But, I thought I would share it with you now before I forget  to do it later (oldtimer is creeping in with age). 
Hope it is useful to some of you.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The AGRAME is in town.


Welcome to my Dubai based hobbyist vegetable gardening blog.

The AgraME exhibition in on for two more day ( April 2-4 ) at the Dubai World Trade Centre Exhibition Halls.  I went on the opening day to have a look around but did not find much of interest to me.  But for you hard core country boys & girls that love the smell of hay and like to nibble on livestock feed you will feel right at home.  There is a bit of everything down there if you just want to have a look around.  It is in Hall 6&7.  This is what I did find interesting however.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What vegetables should you plant?


It has been awhile since my last posting.  Various reasons - it is near the end of the growing season for me as most of my tomatoes are now dead or dying. My chili plants have made there chilis and I have harvested & given them away.  As regular readers know, I was really trying to grow bell peppers not chili peppers.

I am in the process of transforming my blog ( a summer project ) and because of the dusty weather we have been having I have not really been as keen as I should have been to work with my plants.

I did recieve a comment a couple of weeks back that I would like to share with everyone as I feel it might be something others could also be thinking about - what vegetable should I plant in my garden?